FAQ | Network On - Delivery Management Solution


Yes. You get a 14 day trial period after registration.

We have a prepaid per job pricing model (both monthly and annual payments accepted). The rate depends on your job volume.

You have both the options of payment, either monthly or annually. With annual payments, you get discounts.


Yes, NetworkON can be customized with your logo and theme to give you a rebranded experience.

Yes, we do have Open APIs. Any third party platform can be integrated with NetworkON using the APIs.

Yes. Customization can be implemented in two: SaaS & forked. If the customization are minor changes, they can be done in the SaaS solution itself. Otherwise we can do it on a separate server (fork solution).

Yes, customized reports can be created as per your business needs.


There are following ways of creating a job:
1. From the dashboard
2. Bulk Import
3. 3rd party integrations via APIs
4. NetworkON Customer app

There are following ways of assigning a job:
1. Manual Assignment
2. Auto-assignment
3. Route Optimization

Yes, using Roles Feature in Settings, you can create roles with different permissions as per your business need and then assign those roles to your supervisors.

Yes, you can configure your dashboard in any language. You can choose a language from the default added list or add a langauge of your own from the Langauge Manager.

Yes, NetworkON gives you the flexibility of operating in different timezones.


Yes, a live tracking link is generated for every job. You can send this link to your end customers via SMS or email Notifications.

Customers can verify the order complition by various methods of proof of delivery like signature, image or OTP.

Yes, we do have a customer app which allows the end users to create job requests. They can also track the status of their requests in the app.

No, customers cannot edit/reschedule the order by themselves. However, they can connect admin/supervisors via support who can edit/reschedule the order.

Tip can be added as a field in the template attached to the job and customers can fill the tip value while creating the job.

Once the job is completed, the tracking link sent to the end customers via SMS/email notifications transforms into rating page. Customers can share the reviews and rating there.


Resources can download the rebranded app from the app store and sign up in the app to get added to the platform.

Yes, Admin can add any language on the platform if it does not exist on the default list. Resources can select their language from the Resource app.

- iOS version 11.0 & above
- Android 4.4(Kitkat) or above & RAM 1 gb

Location tracking effects due to the various optimization in different mobiles.
Please refer to the following settings::
1. Set location settings too high accuracy.
2. Set no restriction on the Network resource app for battery optimization from mobile settings.
3. If the phone's battery is below 15% then the phone's OS restricts the location services and the location stops updating on the dashboard.
4. Agent speed should be below 140 km/hr.
5. For Samsung
a. Settings -> Apps -> Network resource app -> Battery -> Allow background activity (enable)
b. Settings -> Apps -> Network resource app -> Battery -> Optimise battery usage -> Select Tookan agent -> Disable Network resource optimization

For Xioami(follow for Network resource app) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg9eRLsYqgs

Resources can mark themselves On duty/Off duty from their Resource app.

Yes, you can click on the Navigation button in Job details and it will redirect you to Google Navigation.

Yes, you can add signature or image as a proof of delivery for the job.


Here are our tech stack details:
1. Backend: Node JS 14.16 + MongoDB 4.4 + MySQL 8
2. Android: Native Java 8, Kotlin
3. iOS: Swift 5.0
4. Frontend: ReactJS

You can generate your API key from the 'API Key' section in Settings.

No, we do not share your customer data with any third parties.